8.00 Holy Communion
A traditional spoken service using words from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) with a short homily/sermon. It takes place in the Quire with seating in the 16th century stalls and lasts about 40 minutes. You are invited to walk up to the High Altar to receive a wafer (representing bread; gluten free available on request) dipped in wine. Breakfast is available after the service in the Parish Hall across the road from the Minster.
9.15 Service
Breakfast is available before this service in the Parish Hall. The service has an informal, contemporary feel with songs led by a band and an interactive element on screen with Bible readings and teaching. The service lasts about 55 minutes. Once a month there is Holy Communion, and once a month there is a ‘Café Church’ format, with seating around tables for discussion. There are activities for children. Refreshments are available afterwards.
11.00 Choral Holy Communion
This formal service uses words from the 2000 Common Worship (CW) liturgies and is attended by the choir who sing different settings of the texts. Hymns are sung by all, Bible readings are those prescribed and a sermon is preached. The service is held in the nave and Holy Communion is received at the nave altar. Activities are provided for children. The service lasts about an hour. Refreshments are available beforehand from 10.15 providing an opportunity to mix with the 9.15 congregation.
17.30 Choral Evensong
Led by the choir (except during school holidays), the service uses the language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and is held in the Quire. A psalm is sung and the choir sing the Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis and an anthem. All sing the hymns; there are bible readings and a sermon. The service lasts just under an hour.
10.00 Thursday Holy Communion
The service alternates between the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and the Common Worship Book (CW) as outlined above. It is a spoken service held in the Quire stalls and lasts about 40 minutes. Refreshments are served afterwards in the Minster.
19.30 Thursday Choral Evensong (except during school holidays)
The Sunday pattern is used – see above – but there is no sermon.
19.00 Monday Taizé Worship
On the fourth Monday of each month (except August and December) in the Quire.
45 minutes in contemplative worship and silence with songs and prayers from the Taizé community. More >