We warmly invite new volunteers to join those who already share in the Minster’s work.
Look at the opportunities on offer and select a button to find out more or to make an application.

Would you like to help during worship? We have Service Stewards to welcome people at the door, and a Prayer Ministry Team who are able to pray with people.

Green fingers? Why not join our Gardening Team who care for our Quiet Garden, our secret garden and our sanctuary space in the churchyard.

Are you a friendly people person with good IT skills? Join our volunteer Administrative Team with the Administration Manager and help out behind the scenes.

Volunteer Virgers offer support for the many tasks undertaken by our Head Virger and Assistant Virger. Help out with advising visitors, setting up for events and cleaning.

Are you a history buff? Interested in sharing your knowledge to create a rich visitor experience? Join our Guides Teams who offer ground and roof tours.

Thousands of sightseers visit the Minster and the Welcome Team provide a warm greeting at the door. Shifts are for two hours and training is provided.

Our Bell Ringers sound a welcome to the town before major services and they also ring the occasional peal. There is a weekly practice on Tuesday evenings.

‘Dorcas’ is the Minster Sewing Group which meets every Tuesday morning. It is named after a disciple, healed by Peter, who was known for her needlework.

Can you spare an hour and a half each week as a Shop Volunteer? We will put you in contact with the Shop Manager who will provide training. Volunteers work in pairs.

Although we’ve all become used to paying for things using contactless payment, as we do in the Minster, we still accept and receive cash and have a volunteer Counting Team.