Sing Epiphany


1.HYMN: O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness 2. Improvisation on the hymn tune ‘Kings of Orient’ 3. Omnes de Saba venient (Jacob Handl) 4. The Holy Boy (John Ireland) 5. HYMN: As with gladness men of old Solo: Rachel Jerome 6. When Jesus our Lord (Felix Mendelssohn) Solo: Liam Ormiston 7. HYMN: Songs of thankfulness and praise Messe Solennelle (Jean Langlais) 8. Kyrie 9. Gloria Intonation: Julian Neaum 10. Sanctus 11. Benedictus 12. Agnus Dei 13. Les Mages from La Nativité (Olivier Messiaen) 14. What child is this (Robert Poyser) 15. Here is the little door (Herbert Howells) 16. HYMN: Hail to the Lord’s anointed 17. Collect and blessing for Epiphany – Reverend Jeremy Fletcher 18. Improvisation on the hymn tune ‘Stuttgart’ Organ Solos – Robert Poyser

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1. Once in Royal David’s City, 2. Toccata on ‘Vom Himmel Hoch’ – Garth Edmundson (Organ solo – Ian Seddon), 3. The Word was God – Rosephanye Powell, 4. Infant holy, infant lowly – Polish carol arr. Willcocks, 5. A babe is born – William Mathias, 6. In the bleak midwinter – Harold Darke, 7. Hymn to the virgin – Benjamin Britten, 8. It came upon the midnight clear, 9. Bethlehem Down – Peter Warlock, 10. Torches – John Joubert, 11. O little town of Bethlehem, 12. O magnum mysterium – Morten Lauridsen, 13. Masters in this hall – Trad French arr. Willcocks, 14. Star Carol – John Rutter, 15. O come all ye faithful, 16. Silent night – Franz Gruber, arr Alan Binnington, 17. Sir Christèmas – William Mathias, 18. Hark the herald angels sing.


Sing Joyfully


1. Sing joyfully – William Byrd (1540-1623) 2. Let all the world in every corner sing – Craig Sellar Lang (1891-1971) 3. Hymn – Love divine, all loves excelling 4. Ave Maria – Robert Parsons (1535-72) 5. Nun danket alle Gott – Sigfrid Karg- Elert (1877-1933) 6. Miserere mei, Deus – Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) (solo group: Angus Champion, Luca Myers, Felix Dickenson, Joseph Mathieson, Lindsey Wood, Julian Neaum) 7. O thou the central orb – Charles Wood (1866-1926) 8. Lead, kindly light – Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900) 9. Hymn – Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise 10. Sicut cervus – Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c 1525-94) 11. The sun shall be no more thy light – Maurice Greene (1696-1727) 12. March on a theme by Handel – Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911) 13. Zadok the priest – George Frederic Handel (1685-1759) 14. Hymn – Praise my soul the King of heaven (descant Robert Poyser)

Sing Praise


1. Locus Iste –Anton Bruckner, 2. Hymn –All people that on earth do dwell – arr. Ralph Vaughan –Williams, 3. Te Deum and Jubilate in C – Charles Villiers Stanford, 4. Ye choirs of new Jerusalem – Stanford, 5. Ave Maria – Bruckner, (Organ solo – Robert Poyser) 6. Fantasia ‘In festo omnium sanctorum’ (Op 121 no1) Stanford, 7. Christus factus est – Bruckner, 8. Psalm 150 Stanford, 9. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D – George Dyson, 10. Blessed be the God and Father – Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 11. Ave verum – William Byrd, 12. Hymn – Tell out my soul (Descant Robert Poyser), 13. (Organ Solo – Ian Seddon) Paean (From Five Short Pieces) – Percy Whitlock, 14. God be in my head – John Rutter

The Organ of Beverley Minster – An East Riding Treasure

A recording by Robert Poyser, Director of Music, following the recent restoration of the organ is available from the Minster shop. Find out more about the Minster organ here.


Listen to the Minster choir sing Zadok the Priest (Handel) with aerial views inside the Minster.


Choir member and former head chorister Luca Myers appears on a video telling us what it’s like to be learning to play the organ as part of the Young Organ Scholars Trust scheme.

Here’s a video about The Life of a Chorister in Beverley Minster choir.