Thank you for considering becoming a volunteer at Beverley Minster. As part of our duty of care we need to ask you some information about yourself. In common with many organisations that use the services of volunteers we do require references and depending upon your role, we may need you to undertake a check conducted by the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS).

The information you supply will be held on the Minster Database, it is confidential and covered by the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. We welcome applications from people of all abilities, backgrounds and communities.

  • Who should we contact in an emergency?
  • Please indicate the role(s) you might want to volunteer for at Beverley Minster and tell us why:
  • Do you have any health problems or disability we should be aware of which may effect your day to day activities?
  • If yes, please give details so that we may accommodate your needs where possible:
  • Please provide two independent referees who would be willing to supply a character reference:
  • 1. Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a criminal offence or been bound over to keep the peace that has not been filtered in accordance with the DBS filtering rules? (Include both ‘spent’ and ‘unspent’ convictions)
  • 2. Have you ever received a caution, reprimand or warning from the police that has not been filtered in accordance with the DBS filtering rules?
  • I consent to Beverley Minster PCC holding and processing my personal data for the following purposes (please tick the boxes where you grant consent):
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • I believe that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information supplied by the applicant in each section of this form is correct. I agree that Beverley Minster can hold and use the data on this form for the purpose of administering and supervising the volunteer’s work.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY