The Organ

The organ was built by Johann Snetzler in 1767 and it has retained more pipework by this builder than any other organ.

The first organ was built by Snetzler in 1767 and many of the original pipes are incorporated within the present instrument which has undergone many changes. At its opening in 1769 the modern music of Handel was performed. Major refurbishment took place in the 1990s and further work and tonal adjustments made in 2015. There are over 4000 pipes, four manuals and pedal board. There are 75 stops providing combinations of sound that suit a large repertoire of music from different styles and countries.

Organ Specification here >

The organ screen designed by Gilbert Scott in 1885 was made by local craftsman James Elwell. The organ case was designed by Arthur Hill and erected in 1916. Notable organists have been Matthias Hawdon – the first organist to be appointed, Arthur Henry Mann – later appointed to King’s College, Cambridge, John Camidge (for 57 years), and H.K. Andrews – an eminent composer and later organist of New College, Oxford.

organ and recitals at Beverley Minster