The Church in Tickton (Local Ecumenical Partnership)
Mission Statement:
“The Church in Tickton aims to enable the Christian people of Tickton to worship together in one fellowship, working and praying for the spread of the Gospel, through involvement in the life of the village community and a sharing of our faith and our human and material resources.”
The church in Tickton is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) between the Methodist and Anglican Churches which formally began in 1994. Pastoral responsibility is shared between the Vicar of Beverley Minster and a Minister from the Beverley Methodist Circuit. At the formation of the LEP both Methodist and Anglican buildings were retained – St Paul’s and the Methodist Church – and both are well-used for community events, organised by the church, such as the village Scarecrow Hunt.
Tickton has been connected with Beverley Minster since the reign of King Athelstan in the 10th century. Today Tickton, a village 2 miles east of Beverley, has about 600 houses, 300 of which are on 4 modern estates.
Sunday worship takes place in St Paul’s, except for occasional special services, which use the Methodist Church. St Paul’s is a venue for weddings conducted by clergy from both denominations; baptisms are celebrated in either building.
The Church in Tickton has lively youth and children’s work and there are close links with the village Church of England, Voluntary Controlled School which has a roll of about 180 children. Several members of the church are on the Governing Body of the school, and the two clergy, together with youth workers from both denominations are involved in weekly collective worship.
St. Paul’s was built in 1846 and seats about 100 and is coming to the end of a re-ordering process involving provision of a toilet and kitchen, already in use, and a modified accessible entrance porch. The Methodist Church consists of a 100-seat carpeted hall (an excellent venue for All-Age and informal worship, plus special services, such as the Christingle), a kitchen, toilet and a small meeting room.
The history of St Paul’s can be found here.