Sunday 24 March (Palm Sunday)
08.00 Holy Communion (BCP)
09.15 @9.15 Service
11.00 Choral Communion
16.00 The Crossing
17.30 Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’ sung by the Minster Choirs
Monday 25 March
12:45 Pause for Prayer
19.00 Taizé
21.00 Compline
Tuesday 26 March
12:45 Pause for Prayer
21.00 Compline
Wednesday 27 March
12:45 Pause for Prayer
21.00 Compline
Thursday 28 March
10.00 Holy Communion in the Minster (CW)
12:45 Pause for Prayer
19.30 Holy Communion with foot washing
Friday 29 March (Good Friday)
09.30 Matins with Litany
10.45 Churches Together Procession from the Minster
12.00 – 14.00 Prayers at the cross
14.00 Meditation at the Cross
Sunday 31 March (Easter Day)
08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) in the Minster
09.15 Holy Communion at St Leonard’s, Molescroft
10.30 Holy Communion at St Paul’s, Tickton
10.30 Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Woodmansey
10.30 Joint Easter Communion (CW) in the Minster
16.00 Festal Evensong with Procession