Climate change and our church partners
Beverley Minster is partnered to various organisations around the world and the impact of climate change is being felt there. Here are a couple of insights on how climate change and environmental issues are affecting our Partners in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR), and India.
Beverley Minster partners with St Joseph’s hospital in Mulumba in the Lumami province of Ngandajika Territory. The DCR has a large rainforest which is being destroyed mainly by fire to allow farming and mineral extraction. The destruction by fire compounds the effect of CO2 emissions and the health of the local population. Climate change will lead to changes in rainfall patterns resulting in the need for more resilient water, sanitation and health care systems. These are all fragile in DCR and St Joseph’s struggles with its water supply already.
In India the Minster Partners with Christian Service Unit in Khammam, Telangana. John Franklin from the Unit writes about the prospect of climate change in his area.
Changes in climatic conditions are occurring due to all types of pollution i.e. air water and soil. Wastage from the factories, Industries and deforestation are the primary causes for this leading to imbalance of the seasonal cycle across the world.In our area the impact of change in climatic conditions is totally affecting the lives of the people all over the country.
India is an agriculture based country and fully depends on seasons. Lack of rainfall in time and heavy rainfall at unwanted periods, result in agriculture with zero income and scarcity of food grains.
Following are some of the affected areas
1. Hike in cost of living
In India most of the food ingredients are cultivated in different areas of the country under different climatic conditions. Change in climates leads to low yield and probably a hike in the prices of such commodities.If rainfall is imbalanced the land becomes drought thus greenery will vanish and animals will disappear and Aquaculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Poultry and cattle will become sick and the dependants lives will fall in crisis.
2. Bad health condition
If a man cannot give a nutritious food meal to his family with high prices of food items with low income, they become sick and anaemic, attracting many diseases.
3. Increase in air and water-borne diseases
Change in climate will attract lung, bone intestinal and other contagious diseases that lead people to financial and mental disturbances.
4. Increase in crime rate
With the bad conditions in the family people will be attracted to easy money to fulfil their family needs thus robberies, stabbings and addicting to bad habits increases the death rates.
5. Mission partners
Churches will be closed as most of our area churches are dependants of the local area people. In any matter people will be busy sustaining their lives from the conditions raised from the changes in climate. Thus, ignoring ethical values, running after easy money and avoiding God and attending church services, if possible abusing God and making their life miserable after death.
Conclusion: Changes in the climatic conditions will definitely change the intention of the people for their sustainability in the changed economical conditions. Ignore thinking about good and bad and thus the happenings that were in 2 Timothy Chapter 3 verse 3 will be fulfilled.
Posted 4.9.22