Research at Beverley Minster
Increasing numbers of people are using Beverley Minster for research projects, degree and Ph.D. theses, both from the UK and abroad. In order to avoid copyright problems, duplication, and possible Health and Safety issues we ask you to register projects with us. In this way we can provide a good service for researchers, and, in time, compile a comprehensive bibliography of the Minster, using unpublished theses as well as available publications.
Whether you have already started a project, are in the middle of one, or have recently completed one, we would like to hear from you. Please register using the form in the link and email to
Here is a list of projects registered to date:
1. Masons Marks in Beverley Minster and the East Riding of Yorkshire.(Recording and interpretation.) contact John Phillips (Expected completion date: April 2013.)
2. The Architectural History of the Minster from c. 1220 – c. 1380 along with analysis of sculpture and liturgical furnishings. [Ph.D Dissertation]
Matt Woodworth, Duke University, Department of Art, Art History, & Visual Studies, Box 90764, Durham, NC 27708-0764, USA
3. ‘Contextualising Church Graffiti within East Riding and Lincolnshire, with special attention to Beverley Minster’. [Ph.D Dissertation]
4. Friends of Beverley Minster and David O’Connor (Manchester University.) Work in progress.
Projected new book on the Medieval and Victorian stained glass in Beverley Minster.